
Childers Physio and Allied Health is provider number registered and first contact practitioners meaning you can simply call us on 07 4126 1510 to make an appointment and check us out on Facebook for updates and more information. Childers Physio also stocks a small line of therapy aids and we can source to order any product (i.e. back brace, shower chairs, compression stocking etc) you can think of and delivered to our shop for pick up.

We are NDIS, DVA, EPC, WorkCover and private health providers with HICAPS in store so you can claim on the spot with your health fund. We have an excellent relationship with the medical staff in town so please ask them for a referral if we can assist with your health.

Call in to the shop at 108 Churchill Street Childers (next to the Grand Hotel) or phone us on 4126 1510 to inquire if we can help you.